
Anchor Bay is dedicated to realizing the safest mooring fields in the Mediterranean in selected, very specific locations with the secondary but not less important objective to help protect the Posidonia Oceanica seagrass population from the destructive and envasive use of anchor and chain movements on the seaground enfironment. The mooring technology used is specifically engineered and designed to suit the needs for superyachts.


Anchor Bay is dedicated to realizing the safest mooring fields in the Mediterranean in selected, very specific locations with the secondary but not less important objective to help protect the Posidonia Oceanica seagrass population from the destructive and envasive use of anchor and chain movements on the seaground enfironment. The mooring technology used is specifically engineered and designed to suit the needs for superyachts.
We are proud to be amongst the first to take part in a European wide scientific research project to find innovative ways of actively re-generating the marine underwater fauna and flora in marine ecosystems specifically in the Mediterranean Sea. 


We are very priviledged guests on the island of Sardinia known besides many other treasures also for its rich natural heritage, beautiful waters, shorelines and beaches. It is our duty to help protect, preserve and to restore what unfortunately over the past decades has already been endangered and partly destroyed. We have to give back. Our committment, At least 15% of the value of our operating cost will be dedicated to research and development for innovation and high technological value and or social impact to the comunities where we operate.